1 Metre 54cm x 100cm Gang Sheet
From: £18.001 Linear Metre Length (Material Width 540mm x 1000mm). Please make ensure your design is a Vectored: AI, CDR, PDF, EPS, PS, SVG, SVGZ
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1 Linear Metre Length (Material Width 540mm x 1000mm). Please make ensure your design is a Vectored: AI, CDR, PDF, EPS, PS, SVG, SVGZ
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Set Up Charges (£15.00)
If you are a return customer and wish to use a same logo that you have used with us then the fee shall be removed, or refunded.
High Stitch Surcharge*
You will be charged the basic embroidery rate, therefore, if your art-work then falls into the High-Stitch category then an additional payment shall then be requested from you.